Sunday, 19 April 2015

FMP | First designs, Markets and materials - W3

As I have overrun on my research schedule, I have now need to hold back on the research and start designing. However, I stopped by the Materials Lab to give myself a sense of what textures I could potentially use in my designs, and possibly create a multi sensory journey within the market stall.
Whilst at the materials lab, I started to think about the 'series' I aimed to produce. I took on a 'themed' approach whilst navigating around the store, which meant I picked out materials not individually and then putting them together, but I chose them in clusters and then identified materials that I felt wouldn't fit with the theme. 
Below are a few examples, of materials that could achieve the atmospheric conditions I wanted with a short explanation:



These deconstructed elements of cracks and slices in these samples enhance the texture, which would therefore enhance the multi sensory approach in the space because people would have the urge to want to touch these strange textures. The colours I have chosen are quite solemn and dark because the interior of this space would be placed into an area that hasn't been regenerated or gentrified. In this sense, the interior would 'ruin' or 'disrupt' the well maintained environment such as Canary Wharf.

'Modernised Baroque materials..?'

Here I have chosen materials that could take on a Baroque influenced structure, however its 'perfected rugged' look doesn't seem authentic enough to pose as something for the Baroque influence I wanted. For example, the first image is called 'Sugarcane', which recreates a marble effect for a column. I chose this material not for the marble effect, but for the shape it is in, which shows that when I add columns to my structure, this material could possibly be used.

From seeing these materials, it made me realise that it did not seem to be possible to recreate raw materials with technology and create an authentic look. The samples I saw that aimed to appear like raw materials all seemed to perfected. If one would like to create authentic looking wood panels, it would be better to use the natural wood itself, but one must use it considerately.

To heighten the sensory experience of the user of the space, they would have to remove their shoes to enter, as the floor would be carpet. Having carpet gives a soft foundation for a person when they walk upon the carpet, this would mean making the person more comfortable in the space they are in. 
I chose this sample especially because it was made up many intriguing layers, which gave the sample a slight bounce. If carpet was to be used, furniture may not necessarily be needed since people could even lie down and relax in the alcoves.


One of themes I had gathered was the feelings of some of the people who were affected by Gentrification. In many articles, the same words seemed to repeat itself. No one seemed to be on their side to help them , and they felt they were left out of the process. 

From this observation, I have found samples of steel and wire, which could represent these feelings and it might it even create a stern confined atmosphere in the space.

The materials that I have picked out from materials lab are not for the model itself but for the structure in reality. 

These materials could potentially be seen in an area that doesn't have much greenery or foliage in their surroundings, and these materials that are 'wood' renditions could create a forestry visual in possibly a built up steel and glass environment or an area that is purely concrete. However, after leaving the store I realised that the materials were slightly too pre fabricated to create a 'forest' vibe. On a positive note, the textures that were made from new technologies were incredible because I hadn't seen such a variety of combinations of materials all conjoined into one sample.

Forest atmospheres 


After looking at Thomas Milne's land use maps, I have concretely decided that I will be placing a market of some form, in the middle dock at Canary Wharf. 

One would think Canary Wharf would be place where you feel like you are continuously surrounded by strangers, but on a friday evening, there is a vibrant but intimidating atmosphere present. 
The city of Chloe, appears to reflect more of the City of London rather than the small city of Canary Wharf dropped into a larger city.

Markthal, Rotterdam
After having seen a very modernised version of how market stalls are presented, I was left inspired to 'glorify' something that isn't usually presented as grand.

Ceiling panels with the photos of the market stalls produce.

The Markthal is an extreme comparison to my local market, which inspired me even more to carry out the idea of placing a market on the middle dock.

Basic construction for stall

A tented stall

 I am using the middle dock because the water in contrast with its environment, it just seemed to just appear there for aesthetic, it was incredibly still. A ripple of water was merely in sight.

Brief sketches

Wanting to contradict the surroundings of Canary Wharf, I quickly sketched in the facade of the Old Royal Navy College into the middle dock. From just drawing the front, I wanted to keep the market stalls hidden away, almost something exclusive. Just like the offices at Canary Wharf.

Breaking up the Old Royal Navy College, Baroque facades hiding floating market stalls

Market stalls floating on water, in the middle of Baroque facade walls
Market stalls (circles and rectangles) on different floors
Concept model
Below, I have created a brief concept model made from copper, cardboard, foam board and tracing paper.

I began creating the base with wire continuously wrapped around cardboard, but it didn't appear to be aesthetically pleasing. So I change this to cutting thin tubes, which covered the whole base.

Experimenting with different floor forms

This concept model is suppose to take on the forms of the domes of the Old Royal navy college. The initial idea for the interior was to leave the middle space as open water, so one could look out to the water. I then realised there would be no surface space for people to wander round. 

Not to scale - I created Baroque window shaped holes in the top floor because it would integrate the Baroque aspect which is not seen in the Canary Wharf area, yet one can still see the middle dock.

The structure will be able to stay afloat on water on a concrete base. I have seen this firsthand at the flower markets in the Netherlands.

For a Baroque facade, I attempted to etch into the copper to create a simplified Baroque design. The designs didn't appear to clear in the copper and just seemed to be reflected in the light. 

Representation of materials - contradictions
The following are a few examples of materials that have an underlying meaning that relates to gentrification: 

Contradicting: Steel and Glass (outcome of gentrification...)
                        Stone (higher authority)
                        Parks (witness of gentrification)

Main subjects involved in Gentrification: Resident, Developer, Council
Each location has been picked in relation to these roles.

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