Friday, 14 November 2014

3DD - Day 11

Whilst consolidating the work I have created so far, I decided to combine the dome structure (exaggerated form of the tape measure) and the 'measurement' print aesthetic. I would use the tape as dividers throughout the ground floor of the seating area. This would result in much of the seating area to resemble booths. 


Each booth would have a measurement number, which would correlate with the order system at the restaurant.

The globe shaped dome would be in the centre of all the surrounding booths. This means it would act as a piece of sculpture for the diner's experience. 


Additionally, I revisited the anamorphic urban art that was created in Brazil and found that  there was an anamorphic image in the toilets of the Victoria and Albert Museum. The interactivity of having to move to a specific angle to view the correct perspective of the image is a characteristic I wanted to integrate into the booths as well. From this point I discovered Felice Varini, who had created these anamorphic illusions on very large scales.

As I began to look into materials for my structure, I initially thought it was a tensile structure. I then discovered a book called 'New Tent Architecture' by Philip Drew. From this book I found a steel structure that I wanted to incorporate within my 'globe'. The structure came from the 'Dynamic Earth Centre', Edinburgh (Hopkins Architects). I really admired the aspect of it being interactive in an unusual space.  From seeing this structure I realised that it was possible to create the outer layer of the structure in steel, and using a fabricated tent material would not be ideal to have long term stability. 

After finding this 'steel cage', I then experimented with different types of compositions that could could be created with the steel.


 As I struggled to find much information on typography/graphics on buildings, I visited the British Library, where I found a book called 'Forms in Modernism A Visual Set – The unity of typography, architecture & the design arts.' It didn't exactly present actual buildings that had typography printed on the exterior. The focal point of the book spoke about how architecture and typography both influenced each other in the Modernist period. Although it wasn't what I was looking for, it was interesting to read about these aspects of Modernism.

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

3DD - Day 10


To start creating the function for my structure, this began with research. 
I condensed my ideas to find an aspect that I could focus on. One aspect I concentrated on was the 'measurement' print being used as the main aesthetic for the building. This links  to the subject of typography printed on architecture.

Centro de Cienca Viva (Science Alive), Lisbon

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'Light in the Alleyways', Vila Brasiliandia, Sao Paulo, Brazil (Urban Art)

Korea Pavillion, Shanghai, China (Shanghai Expo 2010)

Further research I gathered included text on buildings but through 3D projections. Some of which included the 'Lumiere Festival' in Lyon and the celebration of Independence day in Kharkiv, Ukraine.

Lumière Festival, Lyon

Independence Day, Kharkiv, Ukraine

From reflecting on the manipulations I made, I had come to a conclusion that from filling the packaging with water, this resembled a dome form. This led me to research into dome structures and materials, textures that are trapped  in between two materials. 

The integration of the packaging and tape also led me onto researching into interlocking buildings because I really appreciated the structure that was formed in mid air, between the plastic and the tape. 

Monday, 10 November 2014

3DD - Day 9

Continuing with manipulating the tape measure... 
I reminded myself of the packaging that I hadn't used in a while. I brought this concept to the actual tape itself, and so I used the tape as a package and  wrapped it round the outside of the tape case. Here I have revisited the idea of bringing the interior onto the exterior. 

I carried on fiddling with the tape but this time I have moved onto looking from the inside of the package to the inside of the object itself. I dismantled the tape measure to see what other forms that could be created. 

Another aspect I focused on was integrating the package and it's contents, so I weaved the together. The structures I created didn't exactly turn out how I wanted it to be because there was very limited stability in the tape, so the maze/webbed form I wanted to create didn't have a strong structure. 

When looking for stability within the tape, I decided to plait the tape and twist it around until it was upright and standing. After creating this I decided to look into the aspect of using the measurements of the tape as the visual aesthetic of my structure.