Saturday, 27 December 2014

Ravensbourne Space II - Design

Construction of the model began with my base shape:

I used this shape to guide me on how a booth would extend from this piece. As I began to construct an individual booth, I became quite caught up in measurements because the shape drawn did not result in an equal measured booth. This issue meant I had to slightly adjust how the final booths would appear.

Writing and finding all these measurements became quite time consuming, because at the same time I was attempting to make the model but the measurements continuously kept on having errors. I then resulted to using sketchup to quickly create a brief model on the space and find the correct measurements. This sped up my model making process.
I calculated that the roofs would have to be formed of 4 parts because there were 4 different lengths on the roof. Additionally, I looked at the two different compositions that the roof could make with its shapes. I chose my second composition because when that booth was in a larger number, the overall appearance seemed more connected.

Joining multiple booths together

I joined multiple replicas of one initial booth to create a line of booths for the space. It turned out to appear too claustrophobic and too uniform. I then decided I needed a way to separate the booths but still keep the roof design, because it added a Ravensbourne aesthetic. 

Another way of integrating the roof and divider designs was too implement them into the floor plan, which I tried, however it appeared to busy. From this I then reduced the floor design to have my core design as the floor plan.

Experimenting with floor plans
I used the final composition as my floor plan, since it was the least busiest yet it still integrated my core design. Furthermore, I used the roof designs to be the facade for the space, which would appear as an intriguing aspect to invite people to see what is behind the facade.

Exterior of space
After making the sketchup model, I met a very big issue. When I was constructing the facade for my model, I was not able to construct it with just using the shapes used on the facade. I had to recreate every single booth for each roof section. This was extremely time consuming and wasted a lot of material. I then realised I should have revisited the process I used on sketchup, rather than to just jump ahead and make a model that copied sketchup.

Candlelight used for an ambient setting
Each divider has been wrapped in grey card and tracing paper to show that layers of sound proofing the dividers.

At this point I realised that I had spent too long on trying to integrate the roof design, because of this I was delayed in making model. In future projects, I will try to set improved time limits on the smaller designs.

Monday, 22 December 2014

Ravensbourne Space I - Basis

Getting an insight into how to accurately design for a space.

I was allocated the space of the atrium of Ravensbourne, it was slightly trickier to measure as we had an open space rather than a set room with walls. We used the measurements to create floor and elevation plans in extreme detail. I found this exciting because I was getting an insight into one aspect of the architectural design process. 

 We learnt about the scales that can be used for drawings. We used 1:20 as it was a smaller room so we could draw it larger. It was a very tricky process it getting the drawings accurate. I was pleased to be learning this process because I felt it would make my future models more realistic and improve my designs.

1:20 scale model

After having made the model, it was easier to form designs as I had the space virtually in my hands. 
Instead of immediately thinking of a function for the space, I decided I was going to integrate the context of the surroundings into the design and tailer the function around the design. I would pick out key elements and shapes influenced by the context and allow this design to be present in aspects of the space, so the space wouldn't appear to distant or foreign to its surroundings. e.g. including a red and yellow room with traditional paintings would not exactly fit the surroundings. However, I didn't want the space to blend in too much with its space as it may not strike someone's eye as much.

The function I chose was to create a place where people could relax and have a nap. I identified this as a need because from sitting and observing in class, my peers around me continued to fall asleep on their desks during working time. So I felt that during lunch times or morning breaks people should be able to tie themselves to a space where they have their own booth of calm, relaxation and silence. Creating a small atmosphere of these elements should help the individual to have a 'time-out' and feel refreshed after 20 minutes or so, and get back to work.

Having a limited space meant that I should accommodate as much material into the space. In maximising flow and efficiency, I decided to use booths as these are spaces that are designed to fit many people in small spaces. From this idea, I carried out research into how the presentations of different changing room booths.

As retail changing room booths were all quite fluid (curtains) or structured (doors) and were quite uniform. From seeing this I wanted to design my own booth dividers. I began this process from revisiting the space and tried to spot elements and themes that reoccured within Ravensbourne. I found this to be the colours:  green, purple and grey. Deciding to use the colours of Ravensbourne meant that whatever I created appeared to be more integrated with Ravensbourne surroundings. 

Additionally, I observed that abstract shapes evidently play a key role in the Ravensbourne theme such as in the shapes of the sofas, stairwells and of course the exterior of the building, I integrated these elements into my design. Doing this would relate my designs back to the context of the space. I used the influences of Gothic rose windows, which was used as inspiration for the Penrose pattern on Ravensbourne's exterior.

I began with deconstructing the shapes and forms that were used in the furniture and exterior structure.

I felt that these forms were too simple and weren't as fluid as the exterior of Ravensbourne.  After having researched the Gothic Rose windows, I discovered that the pattern was a form of fractal geometry design. In this sense the façade resembled the Sierpínski triangle. This led me to combine the descontructed shapes into larger shapes that fit my initial deconstructed shapes.

Compositions for patterns on the dividers

This is the final shape I decided to use that will be the core
form that would be integrated in the details of the space.

This is also the foam board model of the dividers that would be
used in the space.
The dividers for the booths would be made of a soundproof material called FabricTack panels. The panels would be shaped in the form of the dividers and it would line the inside
of the front wall. Reducing noise with these panels depend on how many panels you have, as I have five dividers a fair amount of noise would be reduced.

Sound would be further minimised through providing sound cancelling headphones. Each set would be placed in the booth.

As this space will be a an area for people to relax, the atmosphere in this confined space will be playing an important role. This thought led me to revisit Kengo Kuma's installation at the Sensing Spaces exhibition. Kuma’s installation involved a room that was infused with the smells of tatami, a traditional Japanese flooring mat made of compressed rice straw; and hinoki, a native tree to Japan. These smells gave an extremely ambient atmosphere through the sense of smell as well as the extreme dim lighting used.

I wanted to use these elements and create an atmosphere that would enhance the students' satisfaction of their university experience and improve their welfare. This could range from small things such as reducing stress levels.
As I researched into different scents, I found that many oils and scents have different properties that enhances one's wellbeing.
The different smells I would use to enhance the ambient atmosphere are:
  • Pine - alleviates stress
  • Lavender - calms the nervous system
  • Vanilla - elevates your mood
  • Peppermint - boosts concentration
  • Bergamot - helps you sleep
I would infuse the variety of smells on different days of the week in the space, so students can experience different effects and enjoy different smells to their normal everyday lives. Since peppermint boosts concentration, this scent would be infused before lunchtimes because people's concentration levels tend to decrease in the early afternoon. The scents would be be placed in pots that hold bamboo sticks that emit essences.

Lastly, the atmosphere I hope to create would be enhanced by the dim lighting. A low cost dim lighting system would be in place for the space. The lighting would create a relaxing mood for people, a mood that borderlines ‘sleepy’, so people feel free to nap. The bulbs would have a low voltage and the dimness can be adjusted through the main switch.