Thursday, 6 November 2014

3DD - Day 8

Tape measure. 
The design process begins.. 

I listed all the different ways I could transform the tape measure. I decided to work from the outside in, in other words, I focused on manipulating the packaging and looking at the simple form and composition of the object. 

I have fiddled about with the basic form of the tape measure 'the circle'. As the tape measure is formed of different sized layers of circles, I decided to continue this concept repetitively. I had chosen to use four main colours (red,blue, green, and yellow) to give a colourful aesthetic, which reflects part of my previous project.

[insert sketch]

I then began with looking at the packaging itself and defacing it by scratching into it and piercing holes. 

From here I progressed onto looking inside the package and exaggerating the form of that by filling it with water. During this time I really wanted to get to know the object I was working with so I could see the the many potentials of the tape measure. 

After I filled the package with water, condensation occurred and lovely patterns started to form on the plastic.
This process inspired me to start thinking about creating a structure where there would be an 'air layer' in between the material of the structure and a glass outer layer.

From drawing this sketch, it led me to think about how the element of water could be integrated within a structure, whilst using the main form of a tape measure (including both the tape and the casing for the tape).

After looking at the different compositions I decided to view my structure as an installation piece. This could potentially integrate the water cycle. For example, every 20 minutes the facade of the structure would show the different processes such as liquid water, ice, thawing of ice, condensation etc.

I then listed all the ways I could use the tape from the tape measure. I feel that as I continue this manipulation process, more structures appear within the forms I have made. 
The processes below show the 'wrapping & tangling' process. After creating the forms, I then photoshopped out the background so I could get a clearer perspective on the raw form of the tape.

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

3DD - Day 7

Presentation day!

Beginning with new software… Solid Works! This software was a great 3D tool as the images and models I was creating was very clear. I learnt how to use the fillet tool and ... tool which smoothed and flattened edges. Later on we moved onto creating our own shapes and forms. I found this extremely frustrating because I wasn’t able to use many functions due to my shape not adhering to the rules of the software. Eventually I created a simpler shape: 

My presentation wasn’t at its worst, but it wasn’t at its best. I did like my final outcome to some extent, but I felt that the forms I used could have been more abstract and complex. Although, I felt that I got a bit confused when explaining my research process to the class because I had conducted further research when I was reaching closer to my final structure, this route prolonged the process to some extent, for reaching my refined final idea. I didn’t mind this because I find that researching gives my work a stronger context and concept for its function.

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

3DD - Day 6

Since creating my first model, I knew I wanted the architectural structure to be located in the River Thames having a birds eye view of something similar to the Citadel Flotilla.
[insert sketch]
I then needed a structure to connect the each section of the building, and Musee du qui Branly came to mind because I really admired the steel and glass construction work for the outside of the museum. At this point I began creating another loose metal wire model of the base for the glass corridors. This model now reminded me of the way the Pompidou escalators were constructed (colourful steel and glass).
[insert metal wire]
These aspects then contributed to further research.

Having exceeded my own deadline for completing my prototype, I made sure I finished my model today. However, as I continued to make my model, I questioned myself if glass floors were actually applicable for a building? As I conducted research, I found many glass buildings.. but without glass floors! This meant my structure may not have been physically possible. Although an advantage I gained from this research was that I found more influences for my building and could integrate this into the structure. Eventually I found buildings that did have glass floors but they were only implemented in very small surface areas, such as an overhanging piece of glass in the Chicago tower and Vertical House by Atelier FCJZ, where it was also only administered for artists and architects. Minimal furniture was placed in the room, since the floor may not have been able to withstand the weight of a lot of furniture.

I was not pleased with using this model as the final representation of my final outcome as it was very lopsided, probably due to minimal measurements being made for the model. So I then created the model on sketchup. This was my first time in using sketchup... it was a very long a tedious process. Although, I was somewhat pleased with the final model.