Spaghetti structures has been my favourite task of the 3DD rotation so far. The aim was to be able to hold three plastic balls without them touching the ground or each other. It was a great task because I was able to focus on details, which was quite irrelevant as a whole but I felt that I needed to make the structure intricate to some extent. After a frustrating start with snapping spaghetti, I eventually gained patience, which definitely helped the structure and myself.
Dramatic transformation from model to final outcome. |
My final outcome was an amalgamation of some of my quick sketches and building on issues that occurred along the way of constructing the the structure, e.g broken spaghetti.
Halfway through construction, I decided to carry on extending the piece to further angles because it was really good to see the structure grow. Afterwards, a mistake became something very interesting. As I over bonded two spaghetti sticks together, there was slightly too much glue, so I started weaving the sticks together because the sticks were drooping and curving. I had now found away to present the sticks in a curved form. Eventually, I thought I could make this curved piece into a handle for the structure, but this last minute 'handle' became a sort of decor that supported a shelf? Although, this initial last minute addition was supposed to be a mobile swing. This idea emerged from seeing another student making a mistake whilst making their structure. Overall all the small errors made my piece into a very odd structure. I preferred the simple aesthetic from my previous idea, however I thought it didn't include more complex elements.
The last task was creating a shield for our architectural pieces. This turned into something quite unpleasant.
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