Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Day 1

Choosing ten items of ephemera was harder than I had anticipated. (Fig. 1)
The items we brought were used to create uncomfortable abstract drawings and sketches. It felt very strange to not aim to create an almost photographic copy of the objects. Instead we looked into the deeper meaning of our objects and used different media and words to represent out objects. The series of drawings led us to the task of writing about ourselves...! (Fig. 2) These tasks felt very alien to me because I had never produced work that solely focused on yourself. I eventually appreciated being out of my comfort zone because the activities had forced me to not keep starting again and speed up in my drawings.
Lastly, we had to produce portraits of members of the class, whilst having a conversation with them. This was probably my weakest task as the outcomes were extremely disproportionate. Afterwards we would then receive feedback from our partners... Shockingly the people I had paired with had appreciated the way I drew their eyebrows, which was one of the positives of my day. 


Fig. 2

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